Information needed to provide a fixed fee quote for a business valuation
Our fees will vary depending on the size, complexity, corporate structure and purpose of a valuation.
We can offer fixed price valuations services once we have received some information on the business to be valued. In order for us to prepare a fixed fee quote, we will require the following preliminary information
- *Overview of the business, web site
- *Purpose of valuation
- *Corporate structure and ownership
- *Last three years financial statements for each entity
- *Any other material information
This fixed price provides certainty for your clients on the costs of the valuation.
Endeavour Capital
Endeavour Capital are experts in answering that all important question for many smaller and mid market businesses “So how much is my business worth?” We have combined skills as Chartered Accountant Business Valuation Specialists as well as Registered Business Agents and Registered Business Valuers. We pride ourselves on having both the technical skills and market awareness to make an informed assessment of value.
Endeavour Capital is an independent corporate advisory firm, focusing on smaller and mid market businesses better prepare for and achieve superior results from major financial and business transactions. Our activities include: business sales, business valuation and corporate advisory..